Arianny Celeste
Arianny Celeste

We throw around the notion of happiness that much more easily: and yet we do not even know about other people the same thing we do. How can we possibly be happy if they wish to change the world? How can you possibly be unhappy when they seem to have everything? How such a simple word: different things to different people?

The first kind of happiness, call it a radiant joy, is often relegated to the realms of first love, profound spiritual experiences, and other positive emotional experiences. This is a rare and beautiful, perhaps adding to your request and particularity. Once known, gives color to your life forever. But it is a personal choice and is rarely taken into account when it comes to measuring the relative happiness of different people and different societies.

Arianny Celeste Www. GoBodyNow.Com
"Happiness" is also used as a synonym of joy, as we are at peace with ourselves. This is sometimes supposed to be the same as being equal in peace with our current social environment and physical, which leads to the secondary hypothesis that satisfaction can not coexist with a drive for improvement. In studies of happiness ratios are corrected for the wealth of consumers and where Buddhist monks never seem to get the lead, I suspect this kind of happiness is measured.

But there are also other studies where Western consumer society is constantly identified as the highest measure of happiness indices, often in direct relation to purchasing power. The third movement, which we often term "happiness" are filling different needs and wishes. This is perhaps the most elusive of all. He stops briefly when one wants or needs were met and fled almost as soon as the next desires and needs are identified. When we learn to measure in this way, we will also see that there is always someone else wants or needs - obtained if both our current needs and wishes have been fulfilled, we can not think fast enough on one another for ourselves.

Arianny Celeste Interview

However, in our times, it seems almost criminal to me that I could not choose to pursue our own happiness at the expense of others. Because we are human beings, the only way to get away with everything that is clinging to a firm belief that the welfare of others depends a bit on changing anything in our comfort zone. Above all we must avoid thinking of others, except in the abstract. If not once come true for us, everything else is broken.

Because I am just as easy from the point of view of others from what people think is in my group, many are looking at my actions and I think must be a deeply unhappy person, otherwise why not I obliged to accept narrow localized positive as they are and leave it there?

Why indeed?

Arianny Celeste

Happiness is something to do. I think the work is the greatest pain relief. Sometimes at work, while there is slow and I'm tired of jumping from CNN to Yahoo on Facebook, I can feel my head, stretching out like bubble gum. Instead, I head to lengthen the headaches. In these situations, what I need. It works like Motrin me. My mind is not focused and I can channel my energies in one direction. They say that an empty mind is devil's workshop. Well, it's because our minds can not remain stationary. If you do not give him something to do, is a race towards one million goes to you that contains all possible directions, until the head is ready to explode.

Happiness is something you love. Well, now you have something to do. But would not it be great if you like your work too. But if not possible, how about a hobby that makes time disappear. I know that if I am watching a very good independent film or reading a chapter from Deepak Chopra on the importance of being present, I have no idea what is happening in the outside world. Or in other places to watch the Broncos game (and lose). When you do something you love, if she is spending time with your family or your hobby and if you're lucky, your job, you lose at the moment. In other words, are fully present. Is connected with the soul of the universe. And if this is not happiness, then it is.

Happiness is something to look forward. In addition to being the basis of a political campaign, all the hope you have if you do not have the first two ingredients of happiness. You hope that the next day will bring the project you are looking to repair your relationship or start a new one. When I think of hope, I think the sun rising over the Front Range mountains. Every day is an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to restore confidence that things can change.